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carenca 花蓮華 メープル







maple 明るい乳白色の木肌、衝撃や摩擦に強い

セラミック塗料(食品衛生法 適合塗料)

length 約170mm w45mm×h40mm



We created a wooden lozenge spoon in the hope that we could resolve the discomfort felt with ceramic, stainless steel, and plastic spoons.

Wood is light and gentle to the palate. It is also gentle to the touch in terms of cold and heat transfer. The compact size makes it easy to carry in the mouth, and although it is slender, it fits comfortably in the hand, making it delicious with soup, rice, and other dishes.


Since this product is handcrafted one by one, there may be slight differences in shape. The color intensity is also not uniform. Please enjoy the individuality of each tree. Please use it gently while feeling the warmth of the wood.


◻︎ Materials
maple    Light milky white bark, resistant to impact and friction

◻︎ Finish
Ceramic paint (Food Sanitation Law compliant paint)


◻︎ Size
length approx. 170mm w45mm x h40mm

carenca 花蓮華 メープル

SKU: 0007
  • 電子レンジ、食器洗い乾燥器等のご使用はお避けください。使用後は柔らかいスポンジ等で水洗いし、乾いた布で拭き取り乾燥させてください。直射日光に当てたり、長時間水に浸け置きすると変色、変形等の原因となりますのでご注意下さい。油汚れの際には中性洗剤をご使用頂いても構いません。


    Do not use microwave ovens or dishwashers. After use, rinse with water using a soft sponge and wipe dry with a dry cloth. Do not expose the product to direct sunlight or soak it in water for long periods of time, as this may cause discoloration or deformation. Neutral detergent may be used for grease stains.

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